3020 Loud Front Noise


Quick question...Recently changed the hydraulic pump and now I have a loud howl/screech from the front. I ran it 5 minutes or so and it seemed to be abnormally warm (or maybe I am wrong) before the big noise.

After replacing the pump I ran it a couple weeks ago 10-15 minutes or so to test the hydraulics for leaks...cycled through steering and 3 pt...all good.

To isolate and diagnose, can you disconnect the coupler and run the engine to determine if it is the engine/water pump or hydraulic pump?
Quick question...Recently changed the hydraulic pump and now I have a loud howl/screech from the front. I ran it 5 minutes or so and it seemed to be abnormally warm (or maybe I am wrong) before the big noise.

After replacing the pump I ran it a couple weeks ago 10-15 minutes or so to test the hydraulics for leaks...cycled through steering and 3 pt...all good.

To isolate and diagnose, can you disconnect the coupler and run the engine to determine if it is the engine/water pump or hydraulic pump?
If the coupler is removed or completely separated, you can run the engine. Removing and tying the fan belt back out of the way will eliminate the water pump and alternator and may be easier than uncoupling the hydraulic pump.

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