3020 only steering and brakes


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I have a 3020 that I replaced the main hydraulic pump in. Rebuilt pump worked for 2 weeks and now I only have steering and brakes. No rockshaft or scv operation at all. I only replaced the pump because it was noisy when hot. The tractor has new filter and clean oil in it, and I have disassembled the priority valve and don't see anything wrong with it. The tractor is a diesel and syncro range transmission. Before I rip the pump back out thought I would see what information was out there. Figuring something has stuck in the pump but any info you would have will be greatly appreciated! Thanks Rob
Did you change hyd filter & check/clean hyd oil suction screen? You need to check hyd stand-by pressure to be sure it's 2250-2350 psi. You will need to check hyd pressure on RH side of hyd pump. One possibility is pressure control(priority) valve is blocking flow.
De-stroke the main pump and then try it again. The priority valve could be causing the problem and yes you should have steering & brakes that is the safety feature of the priority valve. Make sure the transmission pump is supplying good flow of oil to the front main pump.
Your priority valve is working. You need more main hydraulic pump pressure? Put a gauge in the rear remote cylinder outlets, see what your pressure is? You need 2100-2200 psi +-.

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