336 head bolt torque

The manual says to torque head nuts to 130 and 105 ftlbs on a 336 with 4210 heads. Was there an update or service letter saying to increase the torque to 160-170 on all nuts? Thought I remember seeing this somewhere. Can anyone confirm this?
there is some veriations-depending on model-on 5star-m5-m504-non diesel eng-tighten head nuts to 130lbs on camshaft side---110lbs on exhaust side---. on the 602-604 non-diesel tighten to 175 lbs .-on the 670 -670 super non-diesel tighten nuts to 175 lbs---these are used on the 5/8studs---i have done mine this to my 670 with no problems --i did not have copper gaskets. i was very careful after 125lbs and used 10lbs stages in case of a weak stud and used new nuts and washers-and followed the sequence in the mamual. do not use regular nuts &washers off of the bolt store as they will not take this amout of torque---hope this helps --

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