350 Utility TA clutch malfunction?

Thank you, Jim. I spent time making incremental adjustments yesterday and got things functioning just about as you described here.

The TA seems to operate exactly as it should, although there’s always a momentary light grinding sound when pulling the lever back into TA mode. That makes sense of the recommendations I’ve read to make the shift quickly rather than slowly. Does that sound like normal operation?
Thank you, Jim. I spent time making incremental adjustments yesterday and got things functioning just about as you described here.

The TA seems to operate exactly as it should, although there’s always a momentary light grinding sound when pulling the lever back into TA mode. That makes sense of the recommendations I’ve read to make the shift quickly rather than slowly. Does that sound like normal operation?
Probably because it has not been used much. The recommendation is to use it as needed the issue is that it is as happy in reduction, as it is in direct. The exception is coasting down hill which is not done in TA lever back! Mine is 67 years old and the TA was used probably every few minutes when plowing, and quite often other times. It still has the same TA in it with no service. Just Trans oil changes and linkage adjustment. Moving the lever either way should be as rapid as you can without loosing control of it. never feather it either way. Jim

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