35x hydraulic pump and lift cylinder

Hello, having searched and found conflicting info, I am asking for help. My long-time local massey dealer had an old mechanic who I would pay $10 per question. He loved answering questions. Unfortunately he died last year. I hope you guys can replace him.

My first question : Regarding hydraulic pumps, has anyone made a larger pump volume wise? I know the difference between the early 2000psi and the later 2500psi pump.

Question 2: I see there are several hydraulic lift cylinder bore diameters. Is 3 1/8" the largest?

Any other tips when trying to improve the factory hydraulics for flow and lift strength.

Any supplier links would be greatly appreciated.

I love my 35 and would not trade it for anything. Except, I would like to get some better hydraulic action.

Thanks so much for all the advice in advance. George
Hello, having searched and found conflicting info, I am asking for help. My long-time local massey dealer had an old mechanic who I would pay $10 per question. He loved answering questions. Unfortunately he died last year. I hope you guys can replace him.

My first question : Regarding hydraulic pumps, has anyone made a larger pump volume wise? I know the difference between the early 2000psi and the later 2500psi pump.

Question 2: I see there are several hydraulic lift cylinder bore diameters. Is 3 1/8" the largest?

Any other tips when trying to improve the factory hydraulics for flow and lift strength.

Any supplier links would be greatly appreciated.

I love my 35 and would not trade it for anything. Except, I would like to get some better hydraulic action.

Thanks so much for all the advice in advance. George
The "Hydraulic lift cover", is the weak link in the Chain,..........so as to day.............

I know of an owner that snapped / fractured the top cover of the lift, after they "shade treed a higher relief Valve".

Your Tractor,your $$$$$'s,good luck.

I'm the owner of an original 1963 MF 35 X.
The top cover was engineered.
I would not change any of the designed operating characteristics,such as increase the system operating PSI,and or pump GPM

Interesting topic you started windmillgeorge.

There is an adjustment within the linkage to center the up position of the lift spool. If set wrong the lift shaft will turn too far and break the top cover. My manual is 600 miles from me right now.

Big Dean CD's explained all of this. Too bad his family didn't follow up after his death and distribute these for sale.
There is an adjustment within the linkage to center the up position of the lift spool. If set wrong the lift shaft will turn too far and break the top cover. My manual is 600 miles from me right now.

Big Dean CD's explained all of this. Too bad his family didn't follow up after his death and distribute these for sale.
The owner of this Tractor had no idea what would happen if the internal adjustments are not set properly,and or are faulty from years
The owner of this Tractor had no idea what would happen if the internal adjustments are not set properly,and or are faulty from years
of not being used
of not being used
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There is an adjustment within the linkage to center the up position of the lift spool. If set wrong the lift shaft will turn too far and break the top cover. My manual is 600 miles from me right now.

Big Dean CD's explained all of this. Too bad his family didn't follow up after his death and distribute these for sale.
thanks very much, george
Hydraulic pump piston ring gap

Hello, Having searched several places and found no information on this topic. Maybe I've overlooked it, I'm not looking in the correct places, or don't have the manual with that information in it.

I am doing a major rebuild of a hydraulic pump. The new piston rings I have purchased, in the new cylinders, have varying ring gaps (0.915", 23.24mm bore) 2 at 8 thou, 1 at 12 thou, and 1 at 15 thou. It seems the tolerances of these rings vary, as does the thickness of the rings also vary, 2 at 43 thou, and 2 at 47 thou.

I have rebuilt 2 of these previously, the first one. I didn't measure the gap, and it is working fine, the second one required each ring to be filed down to what I found from engine builder's imperical data of 4 thou per inch muninum.

As a matter of interest I pulled on of the old rings out and measured the gap, and it was 6 thou, and it was 39 thou thick

Could anyone with experience in these pumps let me know what is acceptable and what should be replaced as far as ring gap goes on one of these pumps.

Thanks E

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