3600 hydraulic spool valve


New User
I have a bad leak from the hydraulic spool valve. I've tried replacing the o-rings but this hasn't helped. So I'm replacing it. I'm trying to figure out why some spool values are $526+ and others are $63 and they both look to do the same thing. Even if I had to get some adaptors it would still be cheaper. Is there any real difference here? Thanks in advance.

$526 https://www.yesterdaystractors.com/Ford-3600_Valve-Less-Handle_HV4023.html

$63 https://www.amazon.com/Mophorn-Hydraulic-Directional-Control-Cylinder/dp/B07YF9PCQV

The one I currently have is this one: https://northernhydraulics.net/product/cross-sba22-double-spool-valve-ba211aag3ea0
Correct, it's for the loader. It's leaking out the back, but like I said I already replaced the o-rings and that didn't help. I assume it's a leaky spool valve so not sure if there is anything I can do about that. No idea how old it is but I think it's the same as the one above.
$500+ without the levers is to high for me but that $63 valve looks a little cheese For under $500 you should be able to find one with a joy stick control

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