374 PTO wont engage

Hi all i am new to this forum and relatively new to the world of international
I have a 374 and i cannot engage the pto on it all i get is gears grinding when i attempt to engage it
Im unsure if it is a dual clutch system or different
I can engage PTO without an implement connected but when i have one connected its impossible
It also will jump out of gear if i do get it into gear
Any help appreciated
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Welcome to YT forums and ASAP parts. The CaseIH website does not list that tractor, neither does Messicks (a parts store that has far more part numbers than the IH site). The tractor does exist, (TractorData.Com)but only 617 were produced in Doncaster UK. I believe the issue you are having with the PTO is going to take some effort to fix. If the dual stage clutch is not releasing, and it is jumping out of PTO, there is going to be both adjustment and possible repair involved. JimB2 (a regular poster from Canada) and others familiar with the UK tractors may know which models are assocated with the components in yours to help identify diagrams and service info. Best of luck, Jim

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