I have a 1949 UTS with 16-9X30 tires. I would like to but 38" tires on it to make it a better puller. Will I have to but a spacer between the axle and the tractor?
If you want the hood to be about level you will need that spacer. Also, if it runs 'downhill' much you may have problems with the front transmission seal and the front crankshaft seal leaking.

There were some U's with 38" rear tires that had a spacer between the front axle pivot and the radiator support casting. I saw one on an early UTS with the high speed road gear transmission once.
16.9-30 nominal OD 58 inches with loaded radius 26.1 inches. 13.6-38 nominal OD 62 inches with loaded radius 28.6 in so you would be 2.5 inches higher at rear. I have 18.4-30 (27.1 inch loaded radius) on UTS with 7.50-16 single rib front that don't look out of place
I have a UTS with cast centers for 38"wheels in Va. They will be going to scrap Saturday.Email if you would be interested. Tim Yates
(quoted from post at 19:05:13 01/12/12) I have a UTS with cast centers for 38"wheels in Va. They will be going to scrap Saturday.Email if you would be interested. Tim Yates

Hi Tim; Thanks for the offer. I have the cast centers. Will be getting them next week.

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