Well-known Member
I have a 400 with a Koyker Super K loader on it that is nearly impossible to steer with any load in the bucket. It has a add on power steering unit on it. Let the loader down and take weight off of the front end and it steers great. Local Farmall Guru says the bearing on the bottom of the steering bolster needs replaced. I've tried greasing the heck out of it and it helps some but still can't turn the wheels with a load. Looks fairly straight forward, take the loader off, jack up and block the front end enough to get the wide front off, remove the grill, open the top and remove the steering gear and drop the shaft out to get to the bearing. Anything that I am missing or need to know before I start this project? It's rained enough to stop fertilizer spreading for a few days so I just as well bite the bullet and start in on it. Thanks, Chris