420S Starter switch, cable and pull rod assembly question.


Well-known Member
My 420S was still using the original starter up until a few months ago.
After multiple delays in being able to reassemble to tractor, I can't remember if I am missing some parts here.

The rebuilt starter includes a new switch. There is a piece of stiff fiberboard over the stud and held against the sheet metal switch case. The fiberboard is held down via two "push-on" washers. This is a bit different than the old one, but I now forget what all was there on the old one.
I am thinking that next to go on the stud should be another piece of fiberboard, same size as shown, then the anchor/pivot plate of starter pull rod.
Then, a non-conductive bushing that fits around the stud but inside the anchor/pivot plate about as long as the plate is thick.
Then another fiberboard piece/washer on top of anchor/pivot plate.
Then a flat metal washer, the positive cable lug on the stud and then the final nut.

All the above to insulate the stud from everything other than the cable lug. So that when the starter rod is pulled, there is no power traveling up the rod.

But is the plunger insulated somehow? as when it is pushed into the switch it bridges the power from the outside stud to another stud inside the starter ?

Thanks in advance for any advice offered.

I believe you have the wrong switch. It should come with a pivot point bracket for the lever to engage the switch button.

I will check tomorrow as it is dark out now.
But that YT source switch looks to be the same as mine but includes what you call a "pivot point bracket" which is loose and held on by the cable stud nut. That one also appears to have a piece of fiberboard on top of the pivot bracket.
I have that already still attached to the pull rod that I am calling a "anchor/pivot plate".

I will take the push-on retaining washer off tomorrow and install the old pivot bracket.
Maybe there is a bushing under those two washers.

I bet the rebuilder took the new pivot plate off the new switch since I did not give him the starter with that pivot plate installed.
The old one did not have those retaining washers.


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