424 3 pt hitch

I am putting a new seal on the work piston for the 3 pt hitch. When I opened the hydraulic housing I found a piece of plastic hose (5"long) and a link with a hook attached to it laying in the bottom of the housing. A longer part of the chain with a short piece of hose is still attached to the linkage on the control valve. I haven't found a broken link yet that would account for the two separate pieces. Does anyone know how long the chain should be and where it attaches to the rockshaft? I am assuming that it has something to do with the draft control. I could not find anything in the archives and it is not pictured in my Blue Ribbon Shop Manual. Thanks in advance for any help.
Innworked on one of those for my uncle one time and remember the chain issue, I guess the way I figured it out was by looking at an exploded parts diagram, I assembled it as it was shown and miraculousley enough it still works beautifuly today, good luck

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