Blew a head gasket bush hogging a couple of weeks ago. I had just hit a stump with the bush hog. Steam boiled out from hood but it had not steamed out the overflow at top of the radiator neck. I had the head checked and it checked good. I cleaned the old gasket off thoroughly. I replaced the gasket, used copper coat, torqued in sequence in 3 incremental steps, ran it to warm it up, retorqued it. So.. I bush hogged for about an hour today and blew it again, no warning of it running hot or any steam coming from around radiator cap. Coincidentally [ I guess ] I had just hit another stump. The chaff from the weeds I am cutting is clogging the radiator pretty badly but l I am not seeing any signs of it running hot until it blows. Oh yes, I pulled and tested the old thermostat after it blew the first time and it tested good. I bought a new one any way and tested it before I installed it. I have bush hogged with this tractor all day before in 100 degree heat with no problems and now it is giving me trouble when the temperature is 50-60 degrees. Oh yes, the water pump is pumping as I have checked that also. Radiator fluid [ water ] is nice and clear. I blew the head gasket on this old tractor about 12 years ago and replaced it and it has run well until now.
Any ideas as to what the issue could be?
Any ideas as to what the issue could be?