424 IH Blowing head gaskets


Blew a head gasket bush hogging a couple of weeks ago. I had just hit a stump with the bush hog. Steam boiled out from hood but it had not steamed out the overflow at top of the radiator neck. I had the head checked and it checked good. I cleaned the old gasket off thoroughly. I replaced the gasket, used copper coat, torqued in sequence in 3 incremental steps, ran it to warm it up, retorqued it. So.. I bush hogged for about an hour today and blew it again, no warning of it running hot or any steam coming from around radiator cap. Coincidentally [ I guess ] I had just hit another stump. The chaff from the weeds I am cutting is clogging the radiator pretty badly but l I am not seeing any signs of it running hot until it blows. Oh yes, I pulled and tested the old thermostat after it blew the first time and it tested good. I bought a new one any way and tested it before I installed it. I have bush hogged with this tractor all day before in 100 degree heat with no problems and now it is giving me trouble when the temperature is 50-60 degrees. Oh yes, the water pump is pumping as I have checked that also. Radiator fluid [ water ] is nice and clear. I blew the head gasket on this old tractor about 12 years ago and replaced it and it has run well until now.

Any ideas as to what the issue could be?
Blew a head gasket bush hogging a couple of weeks ago. I had just hit a stump with the bush hog. Steam boiled out from hood but it had not steamed out the overflow at top of the radiator neck. I had the head checked and it checked good. I cleaned the old gasket off thoroughly. I replaced the gasket, used copper coat, torqued in sequence in 3 incremental steps, ran it to warm it up, retorqued it. So.. I bush hogged for about an hour today and blew it again, no warning of it running hot or any steam coming from around radiator cap. Coincidentally [ I guess ] I had just hit another stump. The chaff from the weeds I am cutting is clogging the radiator pretty badly but l I am not seeing any signs of it running hot until it blows. Oh yes, I pulled and tested the old thermostat after it blew the first time and it tested good. I bought a new one any way and tested it before I installed it. I have bush hogged with this tractor all day before in 100 degree heat with no problems and now it is giving me trouble when the temperature is 50-60 degrees. Oh yes, the water pump is pumping as I have checked that also. Radiator fluid [ water ] is nice and clear. I blew the head gasket on this old tractor about 12 years ago and replaced it and it has run well until now.

Any ideas as to what the issue could be?
Clogged cooling system so may need a good flushing or it will keep happening. Been having the same type problem with my OliverS88
Blew a head gasket bush hogging a couple of weeks ago. I had just hit a stump with the bush hog. Steam boiled out from hood but it had not steamed out the overflow at top of the radiator neck. I had the head checked and it checked good. I cleaned the old gasket off thoroughly. I replaced the gasket, used copper coat, torqued in sequence in 3 incremental steps, ran it to warm it up, retorqued it. So.. I bush hogged for about an hour today and blew it again, no warning of it running hot or any steam coming from around radiator cap. Coincidentally [ I guess ] I had just hit another stump. The chaff from the weeds I am cutting is clogging the radiator pretty badly but l I am not seeing any signs of it running hot until it blows. Oh yes, I pulled and tested the old thermostat after it blew the first time and it tested good. I bought a new one any way and tested it before I installed it. I have bush hogged with this tractor all day before in 100 degree heat with no problems and now it is giving me trouble when the temperature is 50-60 degrees. Oh yes, the water pump is pumping as I have checked that also. Radiator fluid [ water ] is nice and clear. I blew the head gasket on this old tractor about 12 years ago and replaced it and it has run well until now.

Any ideas as to what the issue could be?
depends if they actually checked the head for warpage, and block also. head gaskets dont blow out from running hot. so if the head is warped that is your problem cause you dont have a proper sealing surface. and i presume this is a diesel ? not gas.
You need to check the block for flat along with the head. Migth try running it without the thermostat to see if it is getting hot from a restriction or from a plugged radiator. Just because the grill is clean does not make the radiator clean also. Shine a light in behind it to see if you can see through it. If not you found your problem. Also check for circulation in the rad cap. I know all will say no to the no thermostat I have ran tractor without one and with one never had a problem with heat without one in. In the past.
check the torque on the bolts before you take it apart this time. Set the wrench and check the bolts I have seen them stretch. Check the block with a straight edge,raised sleeves will cause problems.
depends if they actually checked the head for warpage, and block also. head gaskets dont blow out from running hot. so if the head is warped that is your problem cause you dont have a proper sealing surface. and i presume this is a diesel ? not gas.
Gas, reputable machine shop checked it.
You need to check the block for flat along with the head. Migth try running it without the thermostat to see if it is getting hot from a restriction or from a plugged radiator. Just because the grill is clean does not make the radiator clean also. Shine a light in behind it to see if you can see through it. If not you found your problem. Also check for circulation in the rad cap. I know all will say no to the no thermostat I have ran tractor without one and with one never had a problem with heat without one in. In the past.
I checked for circulation before installing the new one.
check the torque on the bolts before you take it apart this time. Set the wrench and check the bolts I have seen them stretch. Check the block with a straight edge,raised sleeves will cause problems.
Block seems fine, not a sleeved engine.
Cranked it up today, there is no coolant in oil. This tractor has an overflow on radiator necka nd at no time did it boil out the overflow. I let it run quite awhile today and cannot make it leak from the head gasket. There is no moisture coming out the stack. Coolant is clear and looks great. This one has me stumped.
check the torque on the bolts before you take it apart this time. Set the wrench and check the bolts I have seen them stretch. Check the block with a straight edge,raised sleeves will cause problems.
Checked several of them, seem fine.

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