450 antifreeze in oil


Recently started working on a 450 that was getting antifreeze in the oil. Removed oil pan and valve cover to get a better visual. Started off by pressurizing the cooling system to 4 psi. Within a few minutes a steady drip was occurring inside the sleeve of the number 1 piston. Was pretty sure my problem was either head or head gasket. Figured block was ok. About a week later I tried to duplicate my results and now I cant get it to leak. Even upped the pressure to around 8 psi. Not sure how high is too high for pressure. Tractor was pushed into heated shop 10 days prior to first test and has been sitting in same position with nothing changed before second test. Tractor has had engine work done on it. Both head and block have been shaved. It currently has a 90 thousandth solid copper head gasket installed and head bolts torqued to 110 lbs. Any idea why I could get it to leak so easy the first time and nothing the second time? Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
what does inside the number one sleeve mean? or is it on the outside of the sleeve? and is this at the bottom with pan removed? were the sleeves out before? the block might be cracked. like a better explanation of where this leak is.
Take spark plug out of number one and with inspection camera or just shine a good light thru plug hole, you might be able to see coolant at top of sleeve if its the gasket. I get its a puller, lot of variables, what kind of compression? Stock sleeves? Probably want all the compression you can get but might be better off with regular head gasket or ring the block and head. It points to the head gasket but without knowing whats been done its hard to say. I had one 450 engine that a guy had bored the block and epoxied bigger sleeves in instead of furnace brazing them couldnt get it to stop leaking, finally figured out that no 2 and 3 had let loose at the top.
probably the head gasket then. no bubbles in rad running? was the head retorqued after running for 1 hr.?
and another thing,.. it can leak before the retorque. i have had that happen years ago on a wd6. was leaking to the out side. retorqued it and all was good once warmed up. so warm it up and retorque the head and adjust the valves. plus was the gasket put on dry??
If you isolate the engine from the radiator you could probably pump it up to 20 - 25 pounds. I am not sure how much more the side plate will take. You will definitely find out if the plate is very rusty it will probably pop open.

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