454 gas not running right


Good evening everyone. I have a 454 gas that if you fully open the choke (no choke) the engine will die. To try and correct the problem I recently, less than 15 hours ago replaced the cap, rotor, points, condenser, wires, fuel filter, cleaned the carburetor and reset the valves. It starts right up and runs decent with 1/2 choke but no matter how warm the engine is or what you are doing with the tractor, give it more air and it dies.
Thank you!
Your running lean, check your float level. If the float level is good than its going to be an obstruction in one of the carb fuel passages. One of the tools I like to use to help me clean a carb is a set of paint sprayer clean out wires. They are great at picking out the small holes and they are flexible enough to pass through some of the slightly angled passages.
Yup ya got a plugged passage or Main jet OR ya up and done left the venture out . Two spray cans of cab cleaner is NOT cleaning the carb . To clean a carb it needs to SOAK in REAL HIDE REMOVING carb cleaner that is HOT . Then washed in a strong detergent then a good rinse and compressed air blowen thru along with usen Small Number drills to make sure there is no rust or hardened debree down in the bottom of one of those tinny holes . Then when setting ya do the adjustments on a warm engines . Now on that carb there should be a solenoid shut down so main fuel adjustment is not required as when ya turn the key on it SHOULD open the main jet all the way for max fuel , now if someone in the past has done away with it and installed and adjusting screw then that screw should be backed five full turns off the set.
Sounds pretty consistent somewhat pointing to the carb jets or passages. However a jet or passage cannot flow fuel if it is not there. That tractor has a fuel pump, is it pumping good? Rebuilding a carb has many descriptions on here as for how thorough the job is done the Tractor Vet has laid it out for you pretty good. If you were not real thorough you may have overlooked that the fitting that screws in the carb for the fuel line to connect to has a fine screen on it sticking in the carb, see number 8 in the attached link. Pull it out and make sure it is clean.
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Thank you everyone!

The mechanical fuel pump was removed along time ago and replaced with an electric clickity clack one. There is good fuel flow going to the carb. When I cleaned the carb I removed and cleaned the inlet screen along with spraying carb cleaner thru the jets/passageways. There was a decent amount of crud in the bowl, it sounds like I must have missed some gunk, I'll get a gallon of carb cleaner and let it soak.

Yes, this carb has the electric shutoff solenoid. I removed it as well to make sure the main jet and injection nozzle were clean. The intake gaskets look good and no change to the idle was noticed when I sprayed them with carb cleaner. Thank you!
Joe - If your problem [needing the choke] started after you had the carb. off & apart, then you put the plastic venturi back in upside down.
The NEW stuff in the GALLON can is NOT much better then the spray can . And more then likely you will not get the carb base into that can . . Several years back i came across some of that OLD stuff before the EPA stuck there pinky's into things . This is the stuff you do not want to get on your skin as it will remove it . If you took a carb that had many layers of paint on it and hooked a wire to it and eased it down into this stuff and let it got to the bottom then pull it back up 90% of the paint would slide off by the time it came back up . You will find that you do have plugged passages and just soaking is NOT going to get the job done and it will require usen Number drill bits of the correct size of the hole to dig that stuff out . Now as to the solenoid as long as it clicks and ya can feel a thud when the key is turned on it is working . Don't go messing with it. If you w3ere somewhat close i would tell you to drop it off with a bowl gskt and needle and seat and come back in two days .

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