460 international hydraulic fitting size and type


New User

Got a 460 international. On the remote hydraulics that run up under the kick plate dash panel and go into the valve body what size and type of fitting go into those connections? There was 1/2” mnpt screwed into there but it’s not right, it’s to loose.
I think it’s suppose to have a oring.
Anyone have an idea? Thanks
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Got a 460 international. On the remote hydraulics that run up under the kick plate dash panel and go into the valve body what size and type of fitting go into those connections? There was 1/2” mnpt screwed into there but it’s not right, it’s to loose.
I think it’s suppose to have a oring.
Anyone have an idea? Thanks
"ORB" (O-ring boss) I would think.

If it's a 1/2 (-8) ORB a common 3/4" - 16 tap should fit the threads.

1/2” npt fits in there really loose like it is to small.
I can thread it all the way in till it bottoms out by hand it barely catches threads.
The 1/2” npt will not fit into a 3/4”-16 nut.
I will see if the tap fits I don’t think it will.
1/2” npt fits in there really loose like it is to small.
I can thread it all the way in till it bottoms out by hand it barely catches threads.
The 1/2” npt will not fit into a 3/4”-16 nut.
I will see if the tap fits I don’t think it will.
If the tap doesn't fit look at the link I posted that gives the tap sizes for other (larger and smaller) ORB fittings.
Welcome to the forums.

See if a 7/8" - 14 (fine thread) bolt threads in. That would be a # 10 SAE ORB thread size. 1/2" MNPT is 14 TPI and will fit in 7/8 -14 threads.
7/8-14 is most common on those aged IH from about the 50's to the 66 series. All the valves on the 06,56,66 series had 7/8 -14 fittings.
A 1/2" NPT should "almost" fit in a -8 ("dash 8") ORB, and kinda tighten down.

7/8-14, also known as a "dash 10 o-ring boss" is the correct fitting. If you can't get the parts locally, discounthydraulichose.com is the place to go for that kind of stuff in my opinion and experience.
I never had to change any fittings like this on the tractor. It’s been a good old tractor. Wish I could buy them new for like this. Thanks everybody! I will try replacing them this weekend.

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