50 years together

Celebrated fifty years together last weekend. Beer and bonfire Saturday night for the hardcore, potluck Sunday for everyone. Saw some people I hadn’t seen since our fortieth, missed a few who passed since then.

Somehow I didn’t take any pictures, I’m sure someone else did, but I haven’t seen them.

Here’s one that one of my friends took in 1974 or 1975. I can’t rotate it correctly
Celebrated fifty years together last weekend. Beer and bonfire Saturday night for the hardcore, potluck Sunday for everyone. Saw some people I hadn’t seen since our fortieth, missed a few who passed since then.

Somehow I didn’t take any pictures, I’m sure someone else did, but I haven’t seen them.

Here’s one that one of my friends took in 1974 or 1975. I can’t rotate it correctly View attachment 90582
Happy Anniversary! Ron MN
Celebrated fifty years together last weekend. Beer and bonfire Saturday night for the hardcore, potluck Sunday for everyone. Saw some people I hadn’t seen since our fortieth, missed a few who passed since then.

Somehow I didn’t take any pictures, I’m sure someone else did, but I haven’t seen them.

Here’s one that one of my friends took in 1974 or 1975. I can’t rotate it correctly View attachment 90582
Happy Anniversary to you and the Mrs. RB
Celebrated fifty years together last weekend. Beer and bonfire Saturday night for the hardcore, potluck Sunday for everyone. Saw some people I hadn’t seen since our fortieth, missed a few who passed since then.

Somehow I didn’t take any pictures, I’m sure someone else did, but I haven’t seen them.

Here’s one that one of my friends took in 1974 or 1975. I can’t rotate it correctly View attachment 90582
Happy Anniversary to you both sir!

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