500 RPMs Short

The best I get out of my Big Mo 500 no-load governed speed is 1400 rpms. I’ve read all the other posts concerning governor adjustment and the carburetor, valve, ignition, and timing set up is good as well as all the linkage is free. The governor arm itself moves freely as well with the engine off. I adjusted the governor static as described in the operators manual and the I&T service manual. The basic governor adjustment needed only minor tweaking to get a basic idle setting working.

When I open the throttle, the linkage moves a short distance, the engine accelerates to 1400 rpm and the governor can be felt working. Any further movement and the plunger spring begins to extend. The jam nuts on the adjusting rod with the plunger spring are not anywhere near the adjusting rod guide.

Since the basic governor adjustment was so close to a good idle setting it appears that the governor might be engaging too soon. It’s like the governor won’t let the lever move back far enough with throttle input to get the no- load 1900 rpm setting.

Before I start tweaking things I thought it best that I ask for any suggestions or advice on how to get the no load rpm up to 1900. Are there any other adjustments that can be made? I did notice a plug on the crankcase located almost directly in over where the governor arm shaft goes the crankcase. I have to wait for the penetrating oil work to see whets under it. It’s not shown in any parts book that I have. This is my first shot at adjusting a governor so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hwllo John from NH,
Look close to the governor housing. If it is like a UB, the governor has a mechanical stop. It is a screw and a jam nut. It faces the driver side. Looking at the engine it would be about the 10 o'clok position. To increase the engine rpm's, loosen the jam nut and turn out the screw. Try one turn at the time. We have a UB LP gas running at 2000 RPM'S, no load speed. From what they say about these engines, anything over 2000 RPM'S will float the valves. 1400 rpm's is stock for the our propane tractor, take or leave a few RPM'S,

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