525 combine story


Well-known Member
There's an article in the new HPOC magazine about a mint barn find Oliver 525 combine. Didn't somebody post a picture of that combine on here, sitting in a barn in Pennsylvania before they pulled it out? Was I dreaming? Was it a different one? Anybody else remember?
Not sure about having seen that on the forum before but here is a video clip of that combine in the field as alluded to in the article. Video was taken by Bill Gethen. Thanks to Tracy Anderson for uploading it.
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Not sure about having seen that on the forum before but here is a video clip of that combine in the field as alluded to in the article.
Thanks John. I kinda wondered if it might have been you who posted that picture that I was thinking of, but I guess not. That thing is about as nice of a find as Sherry's 1550.

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