
New User
The left brake on my 550 sticks. Haven't gotten into it yet, any ideas where to start and what could cause this? Thanks

I expect that your 550 is Oliver built, Not a Cockshutt built.

My advice and expertise is on the Cockshutt line.

Normally brake lock-ups are caused by: week, broken or stretched brake actuator springs,
flat spots or rust on the brake actuator balls
lack of high heat resistant grease on the brake actuator balls and track that they run in,
improper brake pedal adjustment,

Phil Heisey

I expect that your 550 is Oliver built, Not a Cockshutt built.

My advice and expertise is on the Cockshutt line.

Normally brake lock-ups are caused by: week, broken or stretched brake actuator springs,
flat spots or rust on the brake actuator balls,
lack of high heat resistant grease on the brake actuator balls and track that they run in,
improper brake pedal adjustment,

Phil Heisey
Take the cover off to check, simple mechanism inside. Probably a broken spring or linkage on the threaded rod clevis. Mine was broken on the clevis last year and binding, I was able to repair it. I like to take the back wheel off so I have more room to work on it. Good Luck
It may be as simple as backing off the mounting bolts just a tad. I found that if I torqued to the repair manual specs, it was too tight.

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