550 front axle


Well-known Member
The front axle is loose on the pivot pin, it moves 3 or 4 inches forward and back. I'm getting ready to pull the motor to replace the main seals and wondered about replacing the bushing in the cross member. With the stabilizer rods loose at the back, they will move up and down 8 or 10 inches. I looked on the Agco parts page and they don't show a bushing in the front member. Has anyone had one of these apart and is there a bushing inside the hole?? Better to just leave it alone?? Thanks
There is no bushing in there, but it shouldn't have that much play. I put a new axle pivot pin in mine and had the axle machined and a bushing installed. The hole is at about a 4 degree angle. It really tightened things up. See link below from my 2013 fix. SW3
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