550 hydraulic oil specs


Just started using my Oliver 550 between tear downs and discovered that my hydraulic oil is at
the fill mark. I have all the manuals and the book calls for SAE 30 with Oliver 102 082 A
additive. The fluid on the stick looks like new, clear light weight oil so would you just add
oil, universal hydraulic fluid or oil with some special substitute additive? I hate to screw up
the hydraulic system since it seems to be the one system that has no problems. Irrigation water
is getting pretty low around here and I really been using the old machine to level and fill low
spots in the field lot earlier than I wanted.
Thanks guys, I was pretty sure it was OK but needed a little hand holding. I think I got the 550 project that I always wanted, but it is really a full resurrecting job and there is a long road ahead.
I used mine for many years as is, chasing down leaks and fixing things here and there. Finally took it out-of-service one summer and did a full rebuild and paint. Glad I did as it it a joy to use, but you'll put more into it than it is worth during the process. Great little tractors.

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