550 oliver wireing harnas


Yes Im looking for a wiring harness for a 550 gas Oliver also if anybody had any good used gauges I would appreciate that and the fuel amps temperature gauges tack dash light and any other used parts someone might have I could use that are in good working condition thank you much Jack


All 6 volt
Call Korves Oliver 618-939-6681. They will have everything you mentioned. I used them a bunch when I did my restore, they are great to deal with.
Good Luck
If Korves doesnt have what you need, Agri-Services in Alden NY 716-937-6618 can fix you up with a harness. They make harnesses for virtually al makes and models. High quality work, well marked for installation, great to work with. Ive gotten four or five harnesses from them and have been very pleased.
I just want to thank all of you guys I found all my lights wiring harnesses gauges and everything else the only thing I have not found is a complete seat for the 550oliver the old one is all welded up and welded to the frame and all my goodness Im gonna have to chisel it off so if anybody knows where theres still a seat I would appreciate that but otherwise thank you kindly for all your help guys Jack
Something I just noticed, you have a 6v battery in it. All of the 550s were 12v. I can see from the shape of the generator that it's 12v, so that's correct.
Yes the guy gave me the wrong battery Im taking it back getting the 12 V thank you though
I recently bought a Brillman wiring harness for my 1963 Oliver 550. I really like the quality and completeness of the harness. Even came with the bulbs that plug into my gauges. Their cont info:
Toll-Free #: 888-274-5562

Phone #: 540-477-4112

Email: [email protected]

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