565 4 furrow too much for a 1655?

tom upton

Bought this 565 this spring as I thought it would be a good match for the 1655, but it really was too much for the tractor. I managed to get this 14 acre chunk done but pretty much all in 3rd low. Have another 16 acre field to roll over but I think I will switch to a bigger tractor. I do really like the plow though after couple adjustments and got it to scour it really did a nice job. Am I right in thinking the 1655 should handle this plow in at least 3rd over or maybe even 4th under normal conditions ( fairly heavy clay ground) We havent had much rain for last few weeks so maybe that is all it is?


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Bought this 565 this spring as I thought it would be a good match for the 1655, but it really was too much for the tractor. I managed to get this 14 acre chunk done but pretty much all in 3rd low. Have another 16 acre field to roll over but I think I will switch to a bigger tractor. I do really like the plow though after couple adjustments and got it to scour it really did a nice job. Am I right in thinking the 1655 should handle this plow in at least 3rd over or maybe even 4th under normal conditions ( fairly heavy clay ground) We havent had much rain for last few weeks so maybe that is all it is?
14s or 16s? I think when they rated tractors as so many plow tractors back on the day, they were talking 14s. I pulled 4 18s with my 1850. It was a good match, but no way it would have handled more. I pull those 4 18s with my 2-135 now. It flies right along, but I have hilly ground and 4 is enough even with that tractor on a good hill.
Tom, our mutual acquaintance who passed away this spring had a 565 he pulled with his 2-70 (might have even been that same plow if you bought it at his sale?). I only saw him plowing once with it and I was only a kid, but if I recall correctly I was impressed at the 2-70 pouring out respectable quantities of black smoke and the front end spending a decent amount of time in the air. That was in his clay-ish alfalfa sod, so pretty tough going, but it might be indicative that a 2-70/1655 might be a little on the light side for a 565 in our soils. I think his was set for 4-14's? I know our similarly-sized Ford 6600 has a real tough go of it sometimes with 3x16's in our rocky and hilly land an hour North of you. But if we took either of our setups a few hours East to some sandier soil they might get along with ease. It's so hard to tell with plowing, as so much is dependent on soil type and previous crop root structure. There's a chap I see on the Allis forums who frequently posts videos of his 170 pulling 4X14's in his sandier Western soil. I'd sure like to see someone try that around here...
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Tom, our mutual acquaintance who passed away this spring had a 565 he pulled with his 2-70 (might have even been that same plow if you bought it at his sale?). I only saw him plowing once with it and I was only a kid, but if I recall correctly I was impressed at the 2-70 pouring out respectable quantities of black smoke and the front end spending a decent amount of time in the air. That was in his clay-ish alfalfa sod, so pretty tough going, but it might be indicative that a 2-70/1655 might be a little on the light side for a 565 in our soils. I think his was set for 4-14's? I know our similarly-sized Ford 6600 has a real tough go of it sometimes with 3x16's in our rocky and hilly land an hour North of you. But if we took either of our setups a few hours East to some sandier soil they might get along with ease. It's so hard to tell with plowing, as so much is dependent on soil type and previous crop root structure. There's a chap I see on the Allis forums who frequently posts videos of his 170 pulling 4X14's in his sandier Western soil. I'd sure like to see someone try that around here...
Daniel: Yes same plow! The field in the pic was just grain stubble, but the one I have left to do is burnt down alfalfa. I have found that if you allow enough time to let the round up do its job it makes plow pull much easier. I have been known to miss a strip or two when spraying and you can sure tell when you hit the green strip! I think I better switch to the 2-105 for the sod field.
I sent you a clip of it plowing ( were it was pulling the best and I could manage to kinda hold the phone!) Maybe let the boys know I am using and happy with there Dads old plow.

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