5650 starter

I have a Agco 5650 and I can’t get the starter out. There’s one bolt between the block and the starter. You can’t even see you can barely put your fingers on it. Can’t even get Long extension back into it. Any suggestions?
I have a Agco 5650 and I can’t get the starter out. There’s one bolt between the block and the starter. You can’t even see you can barely put your fingers on it. Can’t even get Long extension back into it. Any suggestions?
You need to get creative, a socket and U-joint from a 1/4" socket set MAY do the job, or perhaps a setup like is needed for GREEN starters is needed?

All good ideals that’s a three-quarter socket that goes on the nut and there’s not enough room between the starter and a block to get a three-quarter socket down the side of it

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