58 861 3 point doesn't seem to lift high enough.


Well-known Member
The first time I used the 861 was with my 3 point Bushhog mower and I wondered why it wouldn't lift it clear off of the ground but it'd just come up a little. I thought it was a pressure problem but I haven't gotten around to messing with it until now. Now I'm wondering why the lifting height is inadequate? It only comes up about knee high at the most. I noticed the position control reaches the lowest point only halfway down the possible path of travel. Now I'm wondering if it might have been knocked out of position inside somehow. I've thought about removing the lever so I can turn the shaft more to see if it will lift to its full height.

I know my 50 8N lifts a lot higher and the 861 should be close to that but it isn't.

It's definitely not a pressure problem, I put the boom on today and it lifted a Y-block Ford engine with the bellhousing, flywheel and clutch still bolted to it with no problem at all, Y-blocks are heavy engines! Our old 9N wouldn't lift a 302 using the same boom.
If it will lift higher when you switch to "Draft" control, that is a sign pointing to a worn cam follower pin.
If it will lift higher when you switch to "Draft" control, that is a sign pointing to a worn cam follower pin.
The draft control makes no difference on the lift height.
I was using the 861 yesterday to move trees I'd cut down last fall. One trip up the hill I'd forgotten to raise the 3 point after unchaining the trees so I raised it when I went to back up to hook up more trees and I was surprised when it went all the way up like it's supposed to. :eek: It only happened once, after that it only went up about halfway again.

I haven't used the 861 very much since I bought it last fall. I mowed a little with it and pulled the square baler once but not very long. I've been using my 50 8N for most tasks that I don't need a loader for so I wonder if it's one of those things that might just work itself out with enough use? When I bought my 50 8N it had been sitting a long time, when I first got it home the 3 point went up and refused to go back down. I used the loader on my H Farmall to push the arms down and after repeating that about 20 times it's worked great ever since.

Could be something sticking inside from sitting. The previous owner was in his 80's and owned a number of tractors. The steering was pretty stiff when I bought it so I'm betting it didn't get much use in recent years.

Once I get the 861 fully operational I'll be selling my 50 8N.
Today I am using my 861 to pull more trees down the hill. Before I started the 861 I flipped the draft control lever and the 3 point went to the bottom even though the position lever was all the way up. I started the 861 and the 3 point stayed all the way down and stayed there until I flipped the draft control off, then it raised to it's normal about halfway up position. I pulled some trees down the hill and decided to see what it would do when I unhooked the trees. With the position control lever in the full up position I flipped the draft control on. The three point went all the way up then crept down and refused to go up again until I flipped the draft control off.

Something isn't working right inside. I imagine I'll be tearing it apart before it's all said and done.

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