58 Workmaster Gauge Cluster


Alabama, USA
Hey y'all! I've wanted some advice with my gauges on the tractor. The proofmeter doesn't work at all. Start with the cable?

The oil pressure gauge pegs out at 50 every time it cranks. It's also got a little water in it as you can see. Any way to prevent that?

I don't think the Amperes gauge works at all. Where should I start?

The temp gauge has a great deal of condensation and doesn't work either. Again, where to start troubleshooting?

Finally, are all these factory gauges? It seems strange that there's no fuel gauge.
Instrument Cluster.jpg
None of your gauges are original except maybe the Proofmeter. Easiest way to check that is to unhook the cable off the back and start tractor and see if the cable spins. Fuel gauge would have been where the ammeter is now. Would of been a charge indicator light no ammeter from factory. Temp gauge should be a mechanical gauge only fix is to replace it, should be a capillary tube and a sensing bulb that screws into the head. Actually ammeter and temp gauge maybe in wrong holes I'd have to go look at my 641 to be sure or check the operator's manual.
oil pressure gauge would have been 0-80 psi originally. I have seen 70 psi hot on 172 ci. Replace oil and water temp gauge. Is the gas tank fitted with a fuel sender? Is there a hole left of gauge cluster for an idiot charge light?
oil pressure gauge would have been 0-80 psi originally. I have seen 70 psi hot on 172 ci. Replace oil and water temp gauge. Is the gas tank fitted with a fuel sender? Is there a hole left of gauge cluster for an idiot charge light?
There is a hole on the left of the steering wheel, but it has a plug in it instead of a light. You can see it just peeking out of this photo. I'm not sure about the fuel sending unit. I had to go out of town - but I'll look when I get back.
Instrument Cluster2.jpg
On my 801D fuel is where Amp is Oil is where oil is , Temp is where temp is. Has lite where plug is. Also has lite on rite side because was a Select-O-Speed sometime in its life.
I believe that there was some crossover on parts from the hundred series to the '01 series. They started putting the Powermaster and Workmaster decals on the last few months worth of the hundred series, before the '01 series came out, so they might have used up the last of the gauge parts from the hundred series once the '01's came out until they used them all up.

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