60 MF-35 3 point lift problem.


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I've had this tractor for 25 years and the piston and cylinder popped two attaching bolts when the lift went all the way up so fast after adjusting the draft. I just wanted to get it to go a little faster and boy did it, the lever was kind of tight and it went fast alright. On my 60 MF-35 I put a new piston and cylinder for the lifting of the 3-point hitch after breaking two bolts on the old one. Now that I have it in, I can't get the hitch to do anything. I checked the top where the tube supplies pressure to other equip (that I don't have) and when I turned it over it has fluid pressure coming out. I do believe it is something in the controls. checked the 2 arms that go down to the roller and they are both in front of it like supposed to be. Still the actuator arm does nothing. When I pull it back to lift, there is a click in the arm halfway up. Please I need help, the pump is supplying fluid, but I can't get lift to move at all.
What would cause the pump to work for a while then stop, I went down and cranked the tractor up and it worked after letting it sit for a while, worked for 15 minutes or so then just stopped working after lifting rake up for 10 seconds.

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