600 series lift cover with 2000/3000 cylinder


I’m in the process of making lift cover adjustments on my 1957 641.

Lift operates great and holds perfectly. It has limited function on the lever at quadrant. Only the upper two inches allow lift, the rest is all down.

Years ago, I replaced the cam follower and attempted the position and draft adjustments.

I was then confused by the control valve/turnbuckle setup. There’s a spring between the turnbuckle and the piston housing. All assemblies that I see, including my service manual, have an internal spring allowing access to the spacing on the end of the control valve for measurement.

How do I make that critical measurement with the spring in the way?

I see that there were three different control valves made:NCA913T/U/V. Anyone know what the differences were?


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Your issue is described as exactly what I had with dad’s 641. Was thinking I’d need to repair as you are considering, and even ordered the parts. Turned out dad (in his advanced age) had mistakenly put gear oil in hydraulic system. Drained, and replaced with UTF… Everything works as it should.
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Hmm, sounds familiar. My dad fill the crankcase with water. It was a Ford 4000. The filler caps for the radiator and crankcase are identical. My hydraulic case oil is UTF as required though.
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That sounds reasonable. I wonder how your supposed to measure the gap between the spool and the body. The spring’s in the way. Last time I eyeballed it with a caliper.
Yep, you’re right I found photos of a Dexta cover. Now I’ll post on the Fordson side and find the procedure there. Thanks Shaun!
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