620 Compression

we have one with 100# in the left hole and 75# in the right hole and it runs good. the other one we have is sone where between 100 and 125# in each hole,dont remember the exact number now but that one was the same on each side if i remember right, it also runs very good
Well charged battery, both plugs removed, throttle and choke wide open, accurate gauge. Eveness is more important than the reading but should be within 10 percent of each other.
My 620 has 90# on both cylinders I was told the tractor hasn't been used in over 10 years. I'm going to plow with it and see how it does

Usually best to check it on a couple different occasions..you never know if you might have a little chunk of carbon trapped under a valve that could be temporary..

Pretty sure mine is around 125# in each one..

Can handle 4x16" in 2nd in some hard-pulling ground..when properly weighted..


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