64/68 JD 4020 D synchro w rear diff lock


Finally got my ‘64 engine/clutch connected to a ‘68 synchro trans w rear diff lock. I’m hoping someone can help me w getting all of the hydraulic lines reconnected. 1) Seems several junction at brake pedal (not exactly sure which goes where there), 2 one main soft line from pump up front but not certain what/where it feeds/connects. I know the feed and return for single remote is the steel lines coming from under dash. If someone can help me figure out 1 and 2 I’d be grateful. Thanks in advance!
We actually just did something over the winter here. Your diff line gets pressure from a really expensive tee in the middle of the 3 outlets of the brake valve. use the existing fitting and go to the auto parts store to build a fitting for 15 bucks. Number 21 on the parts diagram ar39679 or ar40472 depending on your serial number the latter being 197 dollars and the former the parts man gave up on. Leave the fitting I believe there’s a check valve below anyway and add your own tee above
A picture of what it ends up looking like on a real one

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