65 2110 loader.

1966 mechanic

New User
Hello all. I have a question concerning if a loader off of a Ford jubilee will physically fit onto a 65 2110. If not, what loader should I look for? Thanks in advance for the information.
You'll have to be more specific. A "65 2110"? The only Ford 2110 I can find a listing for is a Shibura-built (Japanese) compact tractor that Ford offered from 1983 to 1987. If that is the case, then there is absolutely no hope a loader from a Jubilee will fit it unmodified. It will require extensive modifications just to get it to fit.

The loader you should look for is one removed from the same model tractor that you're trying to install it on. Next best bet is one from the same series of tractor, because the difference across tractors in a series is often HP output. Sometimes tractor manufacturers will carry over the mechanics from an old design into a new series, so it also helps to know the lineage of the tractor.

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