656 aux hydraulic question


New User
Hello - i have a ‘73 656 gasser. I have the cylinders to my (new) rear blade plugged into the “midships” hydraulic remotes with new hoses and couplers. When i activate either remote the engine really lugs down, and the hydraulics, either side, are painfully slow. There is no issue with the power steering or 3 pt hitch. Any thoughts? Sure doesn’t seem normal. Thanks!
Are you 100 percent sure you have the right hose coupler ends and they are plugged in completely? Sometimes the nipple type and ball type don’t work well when not matched. The blade is off the shelf new? I take it the hoses you are connecting operate the angle and tilt? If new does the manual say anything about restrictors to slow down movement?
So, you have a three point blade mounted to the tractor and a cylinder on the blade for angle?? Are you sure it isn't the blade angle mechanism to tight?? What size hoses to the cylinder from the tractor, should be using 1/2".
Thanks for the input. The couplers on both ends are pioneer. I am pretty sure. I will double check. Yes, the blade is new - it is a rhino 750 with angle and offset. It’s a grade blade by the way. Super heavy duty. The hoses from the tractor to the blade. I believe are half inch. They’re the same size as what was on the tractor when I got it – I just had new ones made. the hoses on the blade, though are quite a bit smaller, so that might be an issue. However, I have the same issue with the engine logging down when I raise my Haybine, and those hoses are larger. I don’t know much about the hydraulics on this thing – I do have the manual, though. They seem rather complicated. I was wondering if there might be an obstruction in a diverter valve or something . That last comment is way out of my league.
Instead of the oil going to the cylinder, remove hoses from cylinder and connect them together and try. Does the engine still lug down? If so remove the lines from the back side of coupler and connect the two lines with coupler out of the circuit and try.

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