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I am looking for replacement rims for a 1969 656, and it appears that many other brands share a similar double bevel rim. Has anyone had experience with alternate used rims.....specifically yellow ones?
Welcome to YT forums and parts. Rims were outsourced by most manufacturers and have common physical shape/sizes. If the measurements are the same or within an eighth inch they will fit. Rims need to be an inch or so narrower than the tire basic size. If the shoe fits wear it. Drive lugs on the drop center (wheel touching) area can be different and important if used. look for them. If not on your rims they can be placed to make no difference. Jim
Double bevel is an industry standard. They're the same regardless of color. A yellow 38" double bevel rim is exactly the same as a silver one, except for paint.

There are two different spacings for the drive "dimples" on the bevels, 7" and 9". The 7" is for hubs with 8 or 16 clamps, and the 9" is for hubs with 12 clamps. Ideally you'd want to engage as many dimples with as many clamps as possible, but you really only need two for a 656. Those being the two "fixed" lugs that are on each hub, located 90 degrees from each other. Since 90 degrees is 90 degrees, measurement doesn't matter.

New rims will have some dimples spaced at 7" and some at 9" to cover all bases.
The double bevel type are the same. I have two yellow ones on my 1256. One is the 7" spaceing,the other,9". They both fit,but one(I dont remember which) Is the 'oddball' spaceing. One or two lugs miss the dimple. But it doesnt affect a thing.

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