My farmer neighbor accross the street has a 656D, 282D that is smoking...a lot. I have experience working on diesel engines and have listened to this one but not touched anything yet. I owned a 460D and worked on that when I had it having r&r the pump for rebuild and all six injectors but that was 20 years ago. Here's what I know: It will start right up, cold or hot, normal with glowing. Idles good, has ok power-they only use it for light utility chores mostly brush hogging around fields, Its not making oil or using oil. Not losing any coolant or making any. But running it leaves a steady column of white smoke and may have a slight miss. He's not mechanical at all and says a few years ago the dealer had it and had the pump rebuilt and I see the injectors look like they were all out recently too, hes not sure about the details, but they let it out of their shop like that. The smoke never clears up. They bought it new and Its almost at 10,000 hrs with no overhaul that he knows of. The high hours would leave me to think its just whipped out but if that's the case, i think it should start hard. The filters and fuel are all good. My first guess is the pump timing is off? Then possibly a dribbling injector...but that should yield a solid miss and gaps in the smoke? They're not interested in an overhaul, they will just cut their losses if it comes to that. Any tips from the 282D gurus?