720 power steering

Having problems with the power steering on a 720 diesel. I got into originally because the bottom oring gave out and it was leaking. rebuilt the cylinder and the pedestal. Replaced all the o-rings and the veins and the bottom cork. Steering isnt any better now so I bought the 2050 manual and went through the valve on the side of the pedestal. Everything in there looked really good, the helix, the screw. the two dowels, and everything. I can tell someone"s been in this before because it was a little bit of red silicone on one spot but everything looks really good. I don"t have a gauge so I haven"t done a pressure reading, that"ll be next. I got it all back together and put the loader down so there"s absolutely no weight on the front end and its steers harder than heck, it feels like there"s no assistance from the power steering. What am I missing? I have a big heavy industrial Loader on it and by the time you get a round bale on it you can"t steer it.
I had that problem on my 720. I cured it by putting a thicker gasket between valve and pedestral. Made a big difference.
Do a search on this site and you'll find plenty of info on 2cyl power steering troubles. Put a gauge on it and check the pump pressure and flow control valve. If they are OK you'll have to disassemble the unit and check for wear. The helix gets a step worn in it, the dowels get flat spots. If yours has a helix screw, the tip gets deformed. Also, you should be using JD AF2235R 2 cyl power steering oil.
Also check if the relief valve is free. If its not moving freely most pressure will be going back to return instead of assisting with steering. It has a spring that could be broken.


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