767 uni chopper


I’m having problems with my 767 uni super chopper this is the first time I have used one and am having problems with the corn stalks feeding from the head to the feed rollers they get to the apron chain and won’t feed in like they should but when I pick up the head all the way they will feed in I’m using a 768 3 row head have tried speeding up and slowing down the ground speed and it still has problems just wondering if their is anything I can change to make it work
I’m having problems with my 767 uni super chopper this is the first time I have used one and am having problems with the corn stalks feeding from the head to the feed rollers they get to the apron chain and won’t feed in like they should but when I pick up the head all the way they will feed in I’m using a 768 3 row head have tried speeding up and slowing down the ground speed and it still has problems just wondering if their is anything I can change to make it work
Starting in 1965 we used Uni Harvester choppers with the 2 row wide ,then 3 row narrow ,and finally 4 row narrow heads of that design. Had that feeding problem with very tall corn mostly on the 4 row and actually built an extra auger attachment to help feed it in. Didn't have too much consistent problem with the 3 row or 2 row.

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