820 cam removal

Hi, I have to get the 820 in the shop this winter to fix a stipped fan shaft and powersteering leaks. kicking around pulling the cam to have it re ground and sending the pumps & injectors off to have gone through, Tractor runs fine but runs out of power before other 820's do, how big of a job is it to pull the cam? Looks like a lot has to come apart to get to it when reading the IT manual but is it really that bad of a job or is it just well detailed in the book? I had my 720 cam, pumps, and injectors done 8-10 years ago and it really woke the tractor up.
The cam was the first component of the tractor to start down the assembly line . Then the remainder of the tractor was built around it .
A re-ground cam and followers really woke up our 70D . 66HP on the belt and hardly making smoke .
The cam was the first component of the tractor to start down the assembly line . Then the remainder of the tractor was built around it .
A re-ground cam and followers really woke up our 70D . 66HP on the belt and hardly making smoke .
That’s the way it sounds with the 820 after reading the book. Yep, my 720D was putting 71hp out of the pto after I had the cam, pumps, and injectors done.
Probably will have to pull the crank out to get it out. Haven't actually done an 820 yet but the 70's I know you have to take it out. Letter series tractors you don't.

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