830 CK hydraulic issues. And power steering problem

Danny Hogge

New User
Just bought this 830 CK and the three point will barely raise the lift arms with high throttle. Then if dead head the remote up or down the engine strains as the pop off valve opens and the three point drops down. Also with the lift arms fully raised when I shut the engine off the lift arms drop all the way down.
Its full of clean Hy-Tran. Hydraulic are noisy and sounds as if its pumping a lot of air. With operation of lift in max raise
position and at high idle RPM.
I want to suspect the pick up screen is plugged. How do I access the sump pick up screen ?
I have a complete shop manual from JenSales and no where in the manual does it mention or show the pickup screen in the sump.

Next problem , the power steering , with all new belts , tensioned as required , while sitting still it turns hard 1/4 turn then free 1/4 turn and so on in both directions. At low and hi idle RPM same as @ high RPM. Belts arent slipping and reservoir is at high limit with type A automatic transmission fluid.
On the power steering, check the 'U' joints in the steering shaft, or else you have a spindle bearing that's bad, or both. On the hydralic's, the PTO housing has to be removed to clean the screen, also there is a rubber gasket between the pump and housing, make sure it's ok
Sounds like the rockshaft seals are bad and oil is simply flowing by, otherwise they would hold in place. The power steering isn't that strong to turn the wheel sitting still. It was labeled Power Assist in the day. Attempting to turn the wheel sitting still puts a tremendous strain on the tires and everything associated with the steering gear.
What all will I need to order and from where. Is there an inclusive kit available to replace the seals on the piston ?
Oh , I forgot to mention. I plugged a gage into one of the rear remotes and it shows 1800 PSI instantly when activated , at just above low idle RPMs.
I also need the left lift link. It connects to the rock shaft link and the lower lift arm. Someone fashioned a piece of chain in its place.
Lastly the engine runs nice , cranks up fine but it seems to have more vibration than it seems like it should have at high idle RPMs
Any opinions as to why this would be?
Next problem , the power steering , with all new belts , tensioned as required , while sitting still it turns hard 1/4 turn then free 1/4 turn and so on in both directions. At low and hi idle RPM same as @ high RPM. Belts arent slipping and reservoir is at high limit with type A automatic transmission fluid.

It is best to be moving when turning the steering wheel on 30 series case tractors. The steering is Power Assist rather added to mechanical steering than full hydrostatic Power Steering. When the 30 series was new, turning the steering wheel while stationary often caused the belts to squeal. The steering is a 1955 design from the Case 400.
You were correct. The U joint was causing the hard steering
Since you were correct. The tractor seems to have more engine vibration than I think is normal at high idle.
Whats your best guess on this and wheres the best place to get a seal kit for the three point lift piston ?
The seal kit should be available from Case IH dealer, the vibration could be the engine balancer, 830 CK diesel should have one, they have been known to fail, some have been removed and the engine will vibrate, the early 830's didn't have one, only way to tell is to drop the pan to inspect it.
Danny, I would order the parts from John Saeli at external_link. He will send the right parts and give you a little expert advice, John helped me with my 830 with my leaking PTO shaft, told me how to do the repair and sent me the parts. Hope this helps. Nick
Can you supply the parts needed to repair the piston seals and any thing more I will need to complete the repair.
Thanks. I got the belt and filter you sent me

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