8850 loss of steering and remotes


My tracotr lost steering and remotes while operating it earlier this spring, worked fine then got to end of field no steering and not able to lift the soil finisher. eventually I was able to lift it and turn on the end but very limited, filters were pulled and changed and rear sump was checked and fine. I am told they also have a front sump ? Is it possible to have a broken tube inside the transmission that feeds oil to the pump ?
My tracotr lost steering and remotes while operating it earlier this spring, worked fine then got to end of field no steering and not able to lift the soil finisher. eventually I was able to lift it and turn on the end but very limited, filters were pulled and changed and rear sump was checked and fine. I am told they also have a front sump ? Is it possible to have a broken tube inside the transmission that feeds oil to the pump ?
Does the tractor drive normally meaning the clutch and hi-lo 2-speed work as they always have?

This would mean the transmission pump (and pickup tube/screen are functioning normally and the issue is in the main hydraulic pump, possibly something in the pressure control valve.

Is there a manual destroker on the main hydraulic pump?

If so, destroke it and run the engine for a short time, then put it back in atroke and see what happens.
Does the tractor drive normally meaning the clutch and hi-lo 2-speed work as they always have?

This would mean the transmission pump (and pickup tube/screen are functioning normally and the issue is in the main hydraulic pump, possibly something in the pressure control valve.

Is there a manual destroker on the main hydraulic pump?

If so, destroke it and run the engine for a short time, then put it back in atroke and see what happens.
Yes the clutch and transmission work normal

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