I have a ford 8n. I live in northern ohio where it is pretty cold right now (20ish and low teens at night), anyway I used my tractor for probably an hour yesterday and all was fine. Started it up today got 5 minutes into running it I noticed steam coming off the exhaust manifold. I thought to my self "that isn't normal" so I look looked under the hood and saw coolant spaying everywhere. I immediately shut it off and looked at the radiator cause I thought I blew a hole in it or something. Looked normal. I hooked up my Oliver 77 and pulled it up to the barn. Looked around and everything looked normal except for the coolant all over the place. I did notice while hooking it up to the other tractor it sounded like the antifreeze was boiling. It has worked perfect for the 3 months I have owned it, never overheated. Does anybody have ANY idea on what happened. Froze water pump? Blown head gasket? I am decently mechanically inclined but can't figure out what happend. Thanks in advance.