8N head bolt and manifold.

I have been putting off replacing the manifold on my 1951 8N. I put one on in the early 80s and couldn't remember if I had used steel nuts. The tractor blew a head gasket and I decided while I had the hood off it would be a good time to change the manifold. I think I probably used anti seize on the studs when I replaced it before. All four manifold nuts came off easy with just a 3/8th ratchet. success!

Now for the head bolts. I have been spraying them with ATF, penetrant, WD-40 and everything else I had laying around on the slim chance something would get to the threads. Over this week I slowly got all but two loose. Both on each side of the center bolt. I have used a rachet and a good six point socket and got nowhere. I finally gave up and used my 1/2" CP air impact. So far, no joy. I don't really want to use a big cheater bar and snap one or both of those two bolts. Any good ideas or magic chants would be appreciated.
!!! LIGHTLY !!! Smack the bolts with a heavy hammer. Ideally, if you have a large punch or drift, place it centered on the bolt and give it a judicious smack. Too light may not work and too hard and you're being stupid. Juuuuuust right and it will turn right out.
Just curios as to why you would use a Water Displacement solution on rust? You mentioned penetrant. Which one? Liquid Wrench? That is a slight bit more effective with a stuck fastener that the Water Displacement formula 40. ATF was mentioned also. Is that the ATF mixed with Acetone? Or just straight ATF? Diesel makes a better penetrant that straight ATF.
Kroil at about $25 a can is your go-to for stuck fasteners. Most everything else is under that.

There are several ways to make things move. Kroil is a good start.
Best of luck with your adventure.
I got some help today from some local garage guys. They brought their battery powered impact and a MAP torch. One bolt came out grudgingly and the other popped off the head of the bolt. A little dead blow hammer work, removed the head and some more heat and the broken bolt unscrewed. Things look pretty good. I will clean everything up and put it all back together again.

I can't believe that battery impact outdid my good air CP. I am relieved that nothing needs drilled out or repairing threads.

Thanks for the help and advice.

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