9700 - Loose 3-Point Pin on Right Side - Help!

Any idea if the later hook part is interchangeable with the older 9700 part? Anything that gives a tighter fitment on the splines would seem to be a good idea.

In my case, my guess is that both the torsion bar and the hook will need replacement - so I'll be buying parts one way or another.

Anybody done a "conversion" to a later design?
In order to use the newer clamp style hanger you will need to replace the shaft as well. i have done this conversion several times. Buy all the parts from a salvage yard for a 8530, 8630, 8730, or 8830. The hydraulic lift housing will need to be removed to disconnect the draft control linkage on the inside of the rear housing.
In order to use the newer clamp style hanger you will need to replace the shaft as well. i have done this conversion several times. Buy all the parts from a salvage yard for a 8530, 8630, 8730, or 8830. The hydraulic lift housing will need to be removed to disconnect the draft control linkage on the inside of the rear housing.
A later TW x5 series will have the updated parts as well.

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