I was just recently given an Allis Chalmers CA. I don’t exactly know the year as my neighbor just dropped it off. I used it today to pull around a green chop feeder to put hay in for the cows and noticed it drove beautifully out to the wagon but I put it in reverse it didn’t move. I put it back into forward and it didn’t move either. Placed it back into reverse and it clunked and started moving as I was letting the foot clutch out. Hooked the wa gin up and tried to go forward and it would move until after a few cycles of the clutch it clunk d and then moved. It wouldn’t pull the empty wagon unloaded up a slight grade so I unhooked to finish chores.
Could it be because it sat in the barn for a few years? Hand clutch or foot clutch? I ordered a service manual but with Xmas it’s a few days out.
Could it be because it sat in the barn for a few years? Hand clutch or foot clutch? I ordered a service manual but with Xmas it’s a few days out.