About to give up (Farmall Regular)

So the good ole Regular has reached the point of completely baffling me. The three main things are as follow:

1. The magneto is sparking irregularly. it will fire 1-3-nothing-2, or 1-nothing-nothing-4, or nothing-3-4-nothing, Etc. What in the world would cause it to fire like this in a completely random way that has no pattern or logical reason?

2. When we put our hand over the top of the muffler and noted that there are three puffs, and then an odd suction. we looked at the valves and none of them appear stuck. What the heck is going on here and how can I fix it?

3. When cranking the engine, it suddenly got ridiculously stiff, to the point I can barely turn it over. it has this weird rubbery squeak, and this odd bounce back after coming over number 1 compression. It also has this "gritty" feeling that it didn't have before. What would be causing this and how do I remedy it?

I'd really appreciate if you could help me fix these 'cause I'm about to the point of throwing up my hands and giving up.
Keep at it man! Those tractors are simple.

Unless the engine looks like a bomb went off in it. Then, maybe decorate with it? Or.... SweetFeet might need more yard decor.... :D

If possible, find a mag that is known to be good & see if that changes things.

To figure out which cylinder isn't puffing, check for air coming out the plug holes. Do you have access to a borescope?

The sticky spot could be a dry seal somewhere. You might be turning a bearing in the block? Are those bearings poured?

Just some of my musings before coffee.

And the tubes in my head warm up.

I went through that magneto top to bottom. The only thing that isn't new are the points. I tried to replace them but they were the wrong size as the gaps widest point was way to small
As long as the points break open it will make a spark no matter what the gap.
So the good ole Regular has reached the point of completely baffling me. The three main things are as follow:

1. The magneto is sparking irregularly. it will fire 1-3-nothing-2, or 1-nothing-nothing-4, or nothing-3-4-nothing, Etc. What in the world would cause it to fire like this in a completely random way that has no pattern or logical reason?

2. When we put our hand over the top of the muffler and noted that there are three puffs, and then an odd suction. we looked at the valves and none of them appear stuck. What the heck is going on here and how can I fix it?

3. When cranking the engine, it suddenly got ridiculously stiff, to the point I can barely turn it over. it has this weird rubbery squeak, and this odd bounce back after coming over number 1 compression. It also has this "gritty" feeling that it didn't have before. What would be causing this and how do I remedy it?

I'd really appreciate if you could help me fix these 'cause I'm about to the point of throwing up my hands and giving up.
The odd suction thing is loose bits of carbon/mouse nest/rust/ mud dauber getting under the exhaust valve seat. Forget that problem for the moment.

The important thing thing now is to find out what is binding it up. Make sure there is no mouse nest in the bell housing getting pinched between that and the flywheel. I don't know what else would cause it to randomly jam up, unless the ball bearings on the crankshaft are dry/corroded. Try it with the clutch released to make sure something in the transmission isn't causing the problem.

As far as the spark, intermittent operation could be from rotten wires. Also, does this model J have an impulse coupling, and is it functional? If it is not snapping, you could just be accidentally generating enough rotor speed at different times, when you get the spark and lose it again. Other than that, you'll have to break the mag back down and look for the problem . I always change the primary wire as a rule because that simple little thing can cut down the voltage , as the old woven insulation gets oil-soaked and leaks voltage .

For the exhaust leak, I'm sure if you pull it around with another tractor , it will blow all the garbage out and you will have compression again. Put about 6 oz. of motor oil in each cylinder and this will help wash out the debris as the valve hammers on it.
I agree find what’s causing the binder. Don’t start till that is corrected . Benchmark whereby it occurs on something like paintstick mark the crankshaft pulley that way you can reference where it is internal .
is there observation ports covers into that engine block for rod maintenance To help you see where it occurs
I replied to ur 3 problems , but u did not reply to me as to what u have done.
This is what I love about “Tractor Drama”.
Your approach to this young man has been crass. Your approach to most on “Tractor Drama” is crass, and a bit gloating.
JD2 is trying hard at a young age and not as blessed as some with a wealth of knowledge yet you respond to him like a dog. I’ve met JD2 and hope to meet him again. Can’t say I have the same regard for you.

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