AC 5040 Rear end issues


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I have a 5040 which we are rebuilding. The engine is now complete, and all put back together. When we fired it up and drive it around the rear wheels locked up with 1/4 turn in either direction. When I took the wheels off the hubs rotate without locking up. It is more like a hard stop that occurs with the wheels on. So freely turning without the rear wheels on and stops at 1/4 turn with the wheels on. I hope someone has an idea about this before I have to do a lot of work that probably isn't required.

The wheels rotate with the tires off, but do they rotate in opposite directions? When you turn one forward, does the other go backward? If so it's something ahead of the differential.

Is the tractor in neutral? I don't mean is the shift lever in neutral, is the transmission itself actually in neutral. Maybe the shift lever slipped out of the shift fork and it's still in gear?

Unfortunately I don't know anything about that tractor specifically. This is just generic stuff to look at.
The wheels rotate with the tires off, but do they rotate in opposite directions? When you turn one forward, does the other go backward? If so it's something ahead of the differential.

Is the tractor in neutral? I don't mean is the shift lever in neutral, is the transmission itself actually in neutral. Maybe the shift lever slipped out of the shift fork and it's still in gear?

Unfortunately I don't know anything about that tractor specifically. This is just generic stuff to look at.
I have had it both in and out of gear and the only change is if the wheels are on or they are not on. I can't imagine that the lug bolts cause a problem or the weight of the wheels. There seems to be something in the axle area between the hub and the differential.

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