AC 5050 vs JD 2040 vs unknown mitsubishi


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Okay! Im back with what i think are better options.
We are getting 5 flat acres in New Mexico (tractors are a bit more expensive here) and need a tractor. Never had land before so your advice has been so helpful.

Mitsubishi $9,500
Seller doesn't know what type. From what I read on here, the fiat motors are good.
He recently rebuilt engine
Landscape box included

AC 5050 $9,200
Only 1000 hours on this 55HP 2WD tractor with front loader.
Skid steer quick attachment
Absolute workhorse, runs great, fires right up, everything works

3pt is slow coming up, and the loader has 2 seals that could be replaced. (~40$ in parts 200 in labor)
All new hydro lines within the last 3 years
Nearly new rear tires
Posi rear end
Canopy included

comes with bucket, loader, and machine And the 4’ tiller as well.

JD 2040 $9,750
4×4 tractor.
runs great! Will lift 3×3 bales. very low hrs. comes with "post auger 10" drill bit/an 4ft bush hog

Which do you think will be the most reliable?
Okay! Im back with what i think are better options.
We are getting 5 flat acres in New Mexico (tractors are a bit more expensive here) and need a tractor. Never had land before so your advice has been so helpful.

Mitsubishi $9,500
Seller doesn't know what type. From what I read on here, the fiat motors are good.
He recently rebuilt engine
Landscape box included

AC 5050 $9,200
Only 1000 hours on this 55HP 2WD tractor with front loader.
Skid steer quick attachment
Absolute workhorse, runs great, fires right up, everything works

3pt is slow coming up, and the loader has 2 seals that could be replaced. (~40$ in parts 200 in labor)
All new hydro lines within the last 3 years
Nearly new rear tires
Posi rear end
Canopy included

comes with bucket, loader, and machine And the 4’ tiller as well.

JD 2040 $9,750
4×4 tractor.
runs great! Will lift 3×3 bales. very low hrs. comes with "post auger 10" drill bit/an 4ft bush hog

Which do you think will be the most reliable?
The JD. But having a competant dealer/service is more important!!!! Jim
Okay! Im back with what i think are better options.
We are getting 5 flat acres in New Mexico (tractors are a bit more expensive here) and need a tractor. Never had land before so your advice has been so helpful.

Mitsubishi $9,500
Seller doesn't know what type. From what I read on here, the fiat motors are good.
He recently rebuilt engine
Landscape box included

AC 5050 $9,200
Only 1000 hours on this 55HP 2WD tractor with front loader.
Skid steer quick attachment
Absolute workhorse, runs great, fires right up, everything works

3pt is slow coming up, and the loader has 2 seals that could be replaced. (~40$ in parts 200 in labor)
All new hydro lines within the last 3 years
Nearly new rear tires
Posi rear end
Canopy included

comes with bucket, loader, and machine And the 4’ tiller as well.

JD 2040 $9,750
4×4 tractor.
runs great! Will lift 3×3 bales. very low hrs. comes with "post auger 10" drill bit/an 4ft bush hog

Which do you think will be the most reliable?
No question...the JD is your best option based on the information you are sharing.
Okay! Im back with what i think are better options.
We are getting 5 flat acres in New Mexico (tractors are a bit more expensive here) and need a tractor. Never had land before so your advice has been so helpful.

Mitsubishi $9,500
Seller doesn't know what type. From what I read on here, the fiat motors are good.
He recently rebuilt engine
Landscape box included

AC 5050 $9,200
Only 1000 hours on this 55HP 2WD tractor with front loader.
Skid steer quick attachment
Absolute workhorse, runs great, fires right up, everything works

3pt is slow coming up, and the loader has 2 seals that could be replaced. (~40$ in parts 200 in labor)
All new hydro lines within the last 3 years
Nearly new rear tires
Posi rear end
Canopy included

comes with bucket, loader, and machine And the 4’ tiller as well.

JD 2040 $9,750
4×4 tractor.
runs great! Will lift 3×3 bales. very low hrs. comes with "post auger 10" drill bit/an 4ft bush hog

Which do you think will be the most reliable?
For future parts back up, and every other reason, the JD.
The AC is a Fiat.
Okay! Im back with what i think are better options.
We are getting 5 flat acres in New Mexico (tractors are a bit more expensive here) and need a tractor. Never had land before so your advice has been so helpful.

Mitsubishi $9,500
Seller doesn't know what type. From what I read on here, the fiat motors are good.
He recently rebuilt engine
Landscape box included

AC 5050 $9,200
Only 1000 hours on this 55HP 2WD tractor with front loader.
Skid steer quick attachment
Absolute workhorse, runs great, fires right up, everything works

3pt is slow coming up, and the loader has 2 seals that could be replaced. (~40$ in parts 200 in labor)
All new hydro lines within the last 3 years
Nearly new rear tires
Posi rear end
Canopy included

comes with bucket, loader, and machine And the 4’ tiller as well.

JD 2040 $9,750
4×4 tractor.
runs great! Will lift 3×3 bales. very low hrs. comes with "post auger 10" drill bit/an 4ft bush hog

Which do you think will be the most reliable?
No brainer, 2040 and that's a good price.
Okay! Im back with what i think are better options.
We are getting 5 flat acres in New Mexico (tractors are a bit more expensive here) and need a tractor. Never had land before so your advice has been so helpful.

Mitsubishi $9,500
Seller doesn't know what type. From what I read on here, the fiat motors are good.
He recently rebuilt engine
Landscape box included

AC 5050 $9,200
Only 1000 hours on this 55HP 2WD tractor with front loader.
Skid steer quick attachment
Absolute workhorse, runs great, fires right up, everything works

3pt is slow coming up, and the loader has 2 seals that could be replaced. (~40$ in parts 200 in labor)
All new hydro lines within the last 3 years
Nearly new rear tires
Posi rear end
Canopy included

comes with bucket, loader, and machine And the 4’ tiller as well.

JD 2040 $9,750
4×4 tractor.
runs great! Will lift 3×3 bales. very low hrs. comes with "post auger 10" drill bit/an 4ft bush hog

Which do you think will be the most reliable?
2040 I had a 2440 Great tractor.
How far to the nearest dealer, sooner or later you are gonna need parts. Where would you even find a dealer for the Mitsubishi?

How far to the nearest dealer, sooner or later you are gonna need parts. Where would you even find a dealer for the Mitsubishi?
Yeah, that's very true. I've found a few sites to order to AC parts from and we have a mechanic that has worked on our construction tractors for years now (case,kubota) and I've seen a few john deere in his yard. I'm sure he'd be able to fix whatever I can't

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