AC D 14 transmission

My D14 jumps out of 3rd gear and makes a grinding noise when in that gear. I opened the side cover and found that the reverse and reverse idler are very close to that 3rd gear and probably making the noise and then cause it to jump out of the 3rd gear. Is this a correct diagnoses and what would be the remedy?
Anybody have any anwsers? Thanks
Cant help you, but would also like to know the answer. I bought a D14 for parts, and the back wheels are locked and will not turn. this was summer, so i dont think anything is froze. Maybe the clutch is froze, maybe the transmission is between gears? Maybe someone can answer both questions.

my guess would be that somebody had been grinding the gears when shifting and rounded off the teeth. Reverse gear is not making 3rd gear to jump out.
It's not likely that your trans is "between 2 gears" I think you mean in 2 gears at the same time? There are locking pins of some sort in the shift rails to keep it from going into 2 gears at the same time.
To answer Joel: Most AC"s that I know off jump out of gear when going down hill. This one comes out of gear in a matter of minutes after engaging, no matter whether up hill or down hill or on the level and makes that grinding noise, like two gears rubbing together. It does this only when it is in that gear. The other gears are working fine and are quiet.
Maybe this helps.
Hello George,
I am sorry to say this but it is not your reverse gear that is the problem unless it is realy loose on the shaft. it is your third gear where the shift collar locks in or the shift collar it self is bad. i have fixed a few of these trans. i have owned a d14 for 15 years it is my favoite tractor I use it for everything. it has jumped out of third gear when you go down a hill as long as i owned it,some day i will fix it. when i die i want to be buried with this tractor.
the parts are getting realy hard to find the last one I did I found a new shift collar and i had third gear welded and machined but is wasn't cheap.
Good Luck Ed
Any idea as to what might be making the rear wheels lock, and what might be my first attempt to free it up? If I put the power director in neutral, should the transmission be disengaged from the rear wheels? The tractor has been outside for some time, but covered.
I would look at the brakes they might be rusted up. If the trans was locked up you would get a little movement in the rear tires. My money is on the brakes.
Good luck Ed

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