AD4.203 balancer bolt torque spec?


My repair manual has no mention of the balancer bolt torque spec so I was wondering if the brilliant minds in here know what it should be? I'd hate to guess then cover it up with the hydraulic pump shaft and it be the wrong torque. Its going on a hybrid Massey 165/3165

The balancer unit was not fitted to the AD4.203 in the UK or Europe. The figure given for the A4.236 and A4.248 engines fitted to the MF 300 series is 36 lb.ft.

DavidP, South Wales

Maybe its considered a crank pulley? It has around an M16 bolt holding it on and the crank is keyed for the pulley.
What is it that you are after?
The balancer unit is totally enclosed in the sump (oil pan). To the best of my knowledge they were not fitted to the AD4.203 engine but I don't know about North America.
If you are still referring to the balancer unit the nut which appears to be about 5/8"(M16)should be tightened to 40 lb.ft (55Nm).
If you are referring to the pulley on the front of the crankshaft that the dyn/alt belt runs in then it should be tightened to 110 lb.ft (150Nm).
The diameter of the crank pulley bolt is one inch as far as I can remember and fine thread.
This website is such a resource! I was just looking for the same info. I just finished replacing the timing gear cover gaskets to hopefully repair and oil leak(s). I have a 3165. When you say hybrid 165/3165 what do you mean?
(quoted from post at 10:12:14 01/11/12) What is it that you are after?
The balancer unit is totally enclosed in the sump (oil pan). To the best of my knowledge they were not fitted to the AD4.203 engine but I don't know about North America.
If you are still referring to the balancer unit the nut which appears to be about 5/8"(M16)should be tightened to 40 lb.ft (55Nm).
If you are referring to the pulley on the front of the crankshaft that the dyn/alt belt runs in then it should be tightened to 110 lb.ft (150Nm).
The diameter of the crank pulley bolt is one inch as far as I can remember and fine thread.

I was referring to the crank pulley. Thanks!!!!

(quoted from post at 08:27:14 01/12/12) This website is such a resource! I was just looking for the same info. I just finished replacing the timing gear cover gaskets to hopefully repair and oil leak(s). I have a 3165. When you say hybrid 165/3165 what do you mean?

This place has been a godsend for amateur folks like us. It started out as a 165 AG tractor with the 203 and multi-power, but then I found what I think is a 3165 (3 speed, high/low, F/R shuttle shift) thats a little shorter to the ground, had the front mounted hydraulic pump, and a PTO. I'm using the engine, body and fenders off the 165 AG and putting them on the 3165's front and rear axles. This also gets rid of the multi width front end with what looks to be a bit stronger (yet lighter) one. we are also stripping all the yellow off the 3165 and making it OEM Massey 165 colors (silver and red)

To think, this all just started out as a clutch change on the 165 AG

I'm hoping with it being lower to the ground and the torque multiplication of the shorter tires, it'll make getting in and out of the run in sheds and plowing our 5 acres of horse packed clay easier.

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