Adding a foot throttle on a 3010 wide front end row crop diesel


I've just inherited 1960 John Deere 3010Diesel I like the idea of having a foot throttle as I plan on putting in several tractor cruises and anyone tell me all the components even better part numbers that I would need to add a total to the tractor , I have found a fellow on ebay that is selling a pedal And 1 pc of rod linkage It appears Look through my parts book hard to make out but it seems I need more than that thanks Dusty
Are you sure yours doesn't have one. Pretty sure they were standard on the new generation tractors. If yours has been removed you will have to start looking at what parts are missing.
I've just inherited 1960 John Deere 3010Diesel I like the idea of having a foot throttle as I plan on putting in several tractor cruises and anyone tell me all the components even better part numbers that I would need to add a total to the tractor , I have found a fellow on ebay that is selling a pedal And 1 pc of rod linkage It appears Look through my parts book hard to make out but it seems I need more than that thanks Dusty
I installed a foot throttle on my '67 4020. I don't know if your 3010 is the same, but I would guess it is. I got the parts off of ebay and it was pretty straight forward except for one thing. There was a clip or a pin or some kind of fastener on the shaft of the pedal that had to be installed inside the dash. There was very little room to work and I was unable to get the fastener secured the way is was supposed to be done. I used a zip tie around it to hold everything in place. It's been about 15 years ago and everything still works fine.
All the John Deere 3010 tractors came from the factory with a foot throttle. If it has been taken off, you can look in the 3010 parts catalog to see pictures and parts numbers.

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