Adding hydraulic remotes to 656


Hi I have a 1966 farmall 656 and it currently has only 1 set of hydraulic remotes in the rear. I do have 2 levers. I have 2 sets of remotes in the middle of the tractor one on the left and one on the right. I have never used the ones in the middle but my book says the left or inner lever controls the left middle set and left rear set of remotes and the right or outter lever controls the right middle and rear set. How would I add a set of rear hydraulics remotes to work off of that right or outter lever? Would I just plug into the right middle set and run that to a coupler on the rear? Or would I loose pressure with running that long of span? Thanks
Adding remotes at the rear connecting to the mid-position remotes is fine. Pressure is not affected by the length of the hose however flow can be. In your situation the length of hose your adding is quite minimal to have much affect. Look at the somewhat modern field cultivator in the link. That hitch is probably 12-15ft long. See the wing sections, they have a section that folds over on top of them or double folded. There is a hydraulic cylinder way out there easily 25ft or more from the remote that it plugs into on the tractor and they work fine. Granted the tractor operating it has a higher pressure and flow than your 656.
Example implement
That makes since. Is there another way I can add a 2nd remote that wouldnt affect flow? Maybe tee into somewhere? As of now I just need a 2nd set of rear hydraulics for a 3pt forklift but in the future maybe a round baler or mower conditioner.
Looking in junkyards For the parts is going to be your cheapest bet. You need a second set of lines like you have on the right side and there are longer bolts/fittings that hold the lines on with o-rings between the top and bottom set of lines. I use the left set of mid couplers to run a snow plow on my 806 like that the right ones were never on the tractor from the time I bought it. The other option would be ro meove the front lines and use a couple of 7/8-14 tall elbows to run hoses back to the rear and then not have the one set of mid couplers. That is what we have on the 1466 is the elbows with hoses from them.
What are you going to run on the remotes you are adding? I already stated flow is not going to be diminished or maybe that was not exactly clear. I mostly just added that because splitters.. on here would pop in and say ..oh yes it is.. If you are just extending and retracting cylinders to operate some type of implement then there will be a minimal,
like fractional difference between the ones you add and those that originally come out the back. I doubt you would even be able to time a difference in the cycle with a stop watch. Now if you were 30 feet back like the cultivator in the example of my other reply then yes it would probably show a timed difference.
on most farmalls the inside lever runs the left side remotes and the rear remote . the out side lever runs the right side remote and if a secound remoote was added at the rear. i would just go to a farm store and buy a breakaway set and mount it on the rear and run a set of hoses to the right side outlet
What size hoses did you run back from the 90 degree elbows on your 1466? 3/8 would be easier to run and less bulky but would I need 1/2 for more oil? Thanks
Depends on how fast you want things to move. 3/8 is for small volume cylinders.....long and skinny on my swather for lifting when road transporting as an example.....not really interested in how fast it moves...but it lifts in about 3 seconds with a Ford tractor....not that many gpm pump.

if you are dragging a disc or such and lift make the turn drop then you want fast response so 1/2 is the ticket. I have half on my heavy disc harrow with a larger cylinder.

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